Labor Trafficking

IJM Staff’s Son Spots Slavery in His Water Supply
When one 9-year-old boy saw a group of other kids being forced to work at a water treatment facility near his home, he knew exactly who to tell: His...
June 26

Human Trafficking
Third Grant from Walmart to Combat Trafficking in Thailand
Tuesday, June 11, 2019, BANGKOK, THAILAND — International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, has...
June 10

Trafficking Conviction Brings Justice, Thai-Cambodian Border
On May 7, 2019, a Thai judge found a Cambodian national guilty of trafficking five Cambodian victims into forced labor in Thailand’s fishing...
May 22

Labor Trafficking
Justice for Burmese Victims as Traffickers Plead Guilty
BANGKOK, THAILAND—On April 23, 2019, a Bangkok criminal court sentenced two Burmese traffickers to 18 years in prison. The verdict came just two...
May 08

Labor Trafficking
Local Partners Rescue 29 from Bonded Labor Slavery
Our mission to protect the poor from slavery and violence took great steps forward over the weekend, with two rescue operations led by IJM partners...
April 30

Violence and Confinement Common in Anti-Slavery Cases
More than 150 children, women and men are now free from bonded labor slavery already this year, thanks to the tireless collaboration of IJM staff in...
April 17

Labor Trafficking
Three Brothers Freed from Slavery over Father’s Debt
After 13 years of hard labor in a brick kiln, three brothers are now free from debt bondage and modern slavery after a rescue operation led by south...
February 26

Trafficked Children Hidden Under Bed During Rescue in Ghana
The Ghana Police Service and Ghana Department of Social Welfare with assistance from International Justice Mission rescued six trafficked children...
February 05

Urgent Rescue: 52 Locked in Shed, Abused - Now Free
IJM supported local authorities in an urgent rescue operation this week in southern India, freeing 52 enslaved women, men and children from...
December 22