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Press Release

Durbin, Graham Push Online Child Safety Legislation
IJM joins press conference on the need for legislation to prevent online sexual exploitation of children. It is critical that Senate Majority Leader...
International Justice Mission Partners with NCMEC, Law Enforcement and Tech to Protect Children Online through Training in Côte d’Ivoire
IJM and partners are collaboratively delivering law enforcement training in Côte d’Ivoire that will support police in identifying offenders and...
Biden Signs REPORT Act to Protect Kids Online
IJM celebrates President Biden’s signature on the bipartisan REPORT Act, which requires online service providers to submit reports of suspected...
Students Mobilizing their Campuses for Justice
Since the beginning of their partnership in July 2023, International Justice Mission (IJM) and Simple Charity have aimed to jointly accelerate the...
IJM Applauds House Passage of the REPORT Act to #ProtectKidsOnline
IJM welcomes the passage of the REPORT Act, a bipartisan bill to support efforts to combat online sexual exploitation of children. With today’s...
International Justice Mission Launches the Report “Voices for Justice - Strengthening the Proactive Criminal Justice Response to Trafficking in Persons in Romania”
Bucharest, April 23 - International Justice Mission (IJM) launches the report “Voices for Justice - Strengthening the Proactive Criminal Justice...
IJM and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Bulgaria Sign Cooperation Agreement to Enhance Regional Response to Human Trafficking in the Context of the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis
International Justice Mission (IJM) and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB) for Bulgaria sign collaboration...
IJM Welcomes Passage of the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Act in the House of Representatives
The bill, introduced by Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ-4) and Susan Wild (D-PA-7), was backed by tremendous bipartisan support with an...
IJM Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Big Tech and the Online Child Sexual Exploitation Crisis
IJM supports the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with five tech CEOs on the subject of online sexual exploitation of children. We urge Congress to...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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