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Press Release

Plea Bargaining results in the conviction of four suspects for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children Offenses in Visayas and Mindanao
VIZMIN, PHILIPPINES – Plea Bargaining time and again has been a proven legal strategy for the Philippine Justice System in prosecuting cases of...
Taking Stock of Our Collective Progress in the Fight against Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Since 2016, International Justice Mission (IJM) has worked side by side with the Philippine government and other stakeholders to combat online sexual...
Super Bowl Champion, Former NFL Giants Linebacker and Current ESPN Football Analyst Mark Herzlich Joins IJM
Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, Washington, D.C. — Super Bowl champion, former National Football League (NFL) linebacker, current ESPN football analyst and...
IJM CEO’s Book Chosen as Part of the Signature Collection Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of InterVarsity Press
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, WASHINGTON, D.C. — In celebration of the 75th anniversary of InterVarsity Press (IVP), IVP is releasing 27 select iconic...
A Positive Step for Child Protection and Privacy
Apple’s recently announced child safety measures have been met with a cacophony of responses, both critical and supportive, from a variety of...
IJM and TikTok partner in the Philippines to fight the online sexual exploitation of children
PHILIPPINES – International Justice Mission (IJM) and TikTok have partnered in the Philippines to ramp up the reporting of the trafficking of minors...
IJM Applauds Reintroduction of the Central American Women and Children Protection Act
International Justice Mission (IJM) applauds the reintroduction of the Central American Women and Children Protection Act (S. 2003 and H.R. 4017) in...
Team Freedom Continues to Gain Ground with the Addition of Two Pro Athlete Leaders
Former Major League Baseball (MLB) catcher Nick Hundley joins former National Football League (NFL) running back Donald Brown, both serving as...
New ILO Report Estimates that Almost 1 in 10 Children Worldwide Is in Child Labor
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF recently released a new alarming report stating the number of children in child labor has...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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