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We’re Closer to Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse Online
Children need companies to design platforms for safety as effectively as they innovate for profit. Kids need governments to regulate the internet the...
Ruby's Story Unfolds in Gripping, True Crime Podcast
Ruby*, an IJM Survivor Leader, has long been a fierce advocate to end the online sexual exploitation of children. Now, her story has been brought...
Thriving in Freedom, Child Trafficking Survivor’s Dreams of Becoming a Doctor Now Back on Track
As a child, Godwin was a confirmed bookworm. He grew up in a small town, where his parents struggled to care for him or send him to school....
Bridging Language Barriers with Cutting-Edge Tech
Translation has been a key need for our teams in the field. This new technology works without reliance on online language resources because all of...
Far from Slavery, Gowri Is Now a Joyful Grandmother and Bold Survivor Leader
Gowri endured nearly a decade of enslavement, but since her rescue in 2010 we've been walking with her and are now working together to end forced...
6 Years After Rescue, Survivors of IJM’s Largest Rescue Are Thriving
Six years after IJM's largest operation that resulted in the rescue of 564 people, we followed up with a few of the survivors. Their inspiring...
Once a Child Laborer, Kumar Is Now Building Protection in His Country
Twenty years ago, you would’ve found Kumar, then just a little boy, with raw hands and a body racked with pain as he was forced to work seven days a...
Revisiting Worksites Shows Criminal Deterrence in Action
Revisiting the shuttered gates at the lumber yard was part of a recent exercise by IJM to gauge how criminals have been deterred by government law...
"We choose to challenge injustice."
Everyone should have equal access to justice. But 570 million women around the world are subject to violence every year. These women and young girls...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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