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Tweet To Congress! 2018 #TIPreport
On Thursday, June 28, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released the 2018 TIP Report. Most notably, the Report reveals the truth regarding the progress...
Thousands Run “Kiddathon” Race to Shed Light on Child Bonded Labor in India
Chennai’s Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium came alive on Sunday morning—not with a squad of professional athletes, but with the bright yellow shirts and tiny...
IJM Trainings Lead to Rescue for 23 Enslaved Children, Women and Men
Millions of people are enslaved in India today—but, more and more, we are seeing compassionate leaders across the country rising up to combat slavery...
Live Blog: Seeking Justice For Willie, Joseph And Josephat
In July of 2016, you stood with us when IJM investigator and human rights lawyer, Willie Kimani, and two friends, Joseph Muiruri and Josephat Mwenda,...
From Advocacy to Impact: A Vision Trip to Manila
West Coast IJM leaders traveled to the Philippines to hear about the incredible work the team is doing - read about their time in Manila!
Recap: 2017 Advocacy Summit
Each year we host the Advocacy Summit, it is an absolute highlight for our team. Truly, nothing brings us greater joy than gathering with you, our...
Tweet To Congress On October 24
October 2017 This Tuesday, IJM advocates from across the country are gathering together in Washington as modern-day abolitionists to advocate...
Gary Haugen on Ending Police Violence in Kenya
One year ago, IJM—and myself—were forever changed. My colleague Willie Kimani, our client Josephat Mwenda and their driver Joseph Muiruri went...
2017 TIP Report Tweet-In Day
On Tuesday, June 27, the 2017 TIP Report will be released by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The release of the Report is a great opportunity to...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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