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News From Washington - June 2017
While U.S. foreign assistance comprises less than one percent of the entire budget, it provides funding for international anti-slavery accounts,...
Tweet To Congress On May 5
May 2017 Since January, IJM advocates across the country have been gathering signatures in their communities on a petition to urge President Trump...
The Power Of Unity
In a culture where there are so many different initiatives, causes and hot topics for people to be passionate about, it is hard for movements to ever...
Moments Of Democracy
As we stood and listened to the first presidential address of our new President, it struck me that the work of advocacy is never finished.
Stand Up! For Willie, Joseph And Josephat
For the first time in the 20-year history of International Justice Mission (IJM), a member of our staff, the late Willie Kimani, was murdered last...
What I Learned: A Leap Forward In The Fight To End Slavery
This week, Congress authorized the End Modern Slavery Initiative, which was embedded in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act—legislation that...
Holly's News From Washington: Our Thankful List
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It reminds me to be thankful for the avalanche of blessings I’ve received. This year was no exception.
Holly's News From Washington: September 2016
We at IJM headquarters in Washington have had the extraordinary pleasure of hosting 22 of our field office colleagues for the past two weeks.
Holly's News From Washington: August 2016
As you know, IJM suffered the grievous loss of our colleague Willie Kimani, our friend and driver Joseph Muiruri, and our client, Josephat Mwenda....

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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