United States of America
Holly's News From Washington - July 2012
On the same day the U.S. State Department issued the annual Trafficking Persons (TIP) Report, Gary Haugen, founder and president of International...
July 09
Announcing Our New Campaign: Recipe For Change!
In South Asia, IJM staff partner with local officials to investigate slavery, free victims, and prosecute traffickers. But slavery doesn't just...
June 20
Holly's News From Washington - June 2012
Every time I pick up the newspaper, I read an article about how the U.S. Congress is deadlocked, partisan, broken. That may be the case on some...
June 12
Holly's News From Washington - A Recap Of Lobby Day!
In all my years as a human rights advocate, nothing has brought me greater joy than seeing an ordinary person travel at their own expense to...
May 07
#EndSlavery - Use Twitter To Help Pass The TVPRA!
For nearly a year and a half, advocates like you have been working hard to pass the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)....
April 23
Holly's News From Washington - April 2012
I recently had the wonderful experience of sitting in my IJM office with a roomful of colleagues watching a telecast of an unprecedented...
April 11
News From Washington - Join Us In DC!
March 2012
Spring is coming here in Washington, DC, and it is a sight to behold. The cherry blossoms are about to bloom, my choir at St. Peters...
March 12
72 Days For Freedom - And How You Can Help!
Assembling on short notice - the word spreading rapidly via Twitter and Facebook - thousands filled the sanctuary at Passion City Church in Atlanta....
March 11
News From Washington - February 2012
On the morning before President Obama delivered his State of the Union address, IJM sent out an email to our friends and supporters around the U.S.,...
February 06