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76-year-old American Man Arrested, Sisters Now Safe from Sexual Predator
The day before summer break began marked the beginning of a new season for three sisters who had been groomed and abused by a 76-year-old American...
IJM and Kolkata Police Rescue 16-Year-Old from Trafficking
On Monday evening, IJM assisted Kolkata police on a rescue operation to free one teenage girl from sex trafficking in a private apartment operating...
Rescued Families Return Home as Kiln Owner Faces Charges
This week, hundreds of families rescued in IJM’s largest anti-slavery operation ever returned to their home villages, and the man responsible for...
IJM Applauds Conviction of U.S. Citizen for Sex Crimes Against Cambodian Children
Pedophile Ronald “John” Gerald Boyajian convicted under PROTECT Act after years of deploying avoidance tactics
More than 550 Rescued in IJM's Largest Anti-Slavery Operation Ever
In an ongoing rescue operation, Indian police and IJM staff have rescued 564 children, women and men from forced labor slavery at a massive brick...
What Nashville, An Ashton Kutcher Movie, And You Have To Do With The End Of Slavery
Student volunteers from local universities and a musician partner came out to show Tennessee’s Congressional delegation how much their constituents...
Holly's News From Washington: Time To Act!
We at IJM have been working around the clock over the past week to help our anti-slavery champion, Senator Bob Corker, bring the End Modern Slavery...
A Bittersweet Goodbye To Ijm Organizing Director—East, Seth Wispelwey
Goodbyes are hard, which is why I’m completely avoiding this one.
Utah, We Need Your Help: Make A Phone Call For Freedom Today!
Senator Mike Lee is preventing the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI) from coming to a vote. The EMSI is a game-changer. This bill will bring...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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