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IJM Celebrates 10 Years of Combating Sexual Violence in Guatemala
This week International Justice Mission celebrates a decade combating sexual violence in Guatemala.
IJM Helps Rescue Young Girls From Online Sex-Abuse Shows
Five girls between 9-12 years old are safe after being rescued this week from a home in a Filipino slum that had been turned into a cybersex...
Man Unicycles Across the Country To Combat Slavery
Many college graduates aren’t sure what they want to do after college. But Adam Gianforte had a plan. After graduating from Cornell University with a...
Increase in Convictions in the Philippines Keep Children Safe, Traffickers Off the Streets
More than 35 survivors of trafficking will now be able to breathe a little easier. Last week, six traffickers were convicted for human trafficking...
Senior Police Officer Charged with Murder in Kenya
NAIROBI, KENYA – Nearly two years ago a man named Samuel* was beaten to death inside a police station by the station commander.
Advocating #OnBehalfOfChange: How A Millennial Learned to Make A Change the Old-Fashioned Way
Change is something everyone can effect - here's how.
IJM and Police Rescue Girls from Trafficking Aboard Moving Train
MUMBAI, INDIA – Four girls as young as 10 were rescued last week from a moving train headed hundreds of miles away from their home to Mumbai.
Why The Next 15 Years Will Be Big For Widows In Uganda—And Justice Advocates Around The World
IJM staff meet with Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to deliver a giant stack of signatures from people around the country...
IJM Trains 5000th Official in Mumbai
MUMBAI, INDIA – It was just after midnight when the rescue was complete. IJM had assisted with an anti-trafficking operation in Kamathipura, Mumbai’s...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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