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Texas, We Need Your Help: Make A Phone Call For Freedom Today!
The fight to end slavery needs your help: will you make one phone call for freedom today?
Oklahoma, We Need Your Help: Make A Phone Call For Freedom Today!
The fight to end slavery needs your help: will you make one phone call for freedom today?
Join IJM and #EndItMovement: Share to Help End Slavery and Support The #EndSlaveryAct!
IJM joins the country in one of the largest awareness generating events to end slavery: the End It Movement's Shine a Light on Slavery Day. The End...
Four Convicted in Bangalore, Setting New Milestone for IJM’s Anti-Slavery Work
Last week, an Indian court made great strides in protecting the poor by convicting two brick kiln owners and two supervisors who had forced...
IJM Celebrates Progress in Cambodia
This year marks 13 years since IJM’s first rescue operation in Cambodia—a country where sex tourists could once purchase young girls for sexual...
Holly's News From Washington - January 2016
Now that mass transit is up and running and Congress is in session, they have just a few months to get a year’s work done. Here’s why: in an election...
New Year Begins with Massive Rescues
Three generations. That’s how long these families pictured said they have been trapped in a cycle of forced labor slavery in India.
This News Has Us—Literally—Jumping For Joy This Christmas!
Earlier today, Congress voted to approve a budget for 2016. Within the 2,009-page bill outlaying $1.1 trillion of spending, IJM was looking for 18...
IJM Mumbai Trains More than 10K Officials in 2015
IJM Mumbai staff are celebrating a major milestone this December with the completion of trainings for more than 10,000 police officers, social...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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